Chapter 217- Trinity – Visits Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




I knew that the steady stream of visitors was not going to end anytime soon. Today and this entire week that I was going to be in the hospital, I was going to be very busy. And sure enough, not twenty minutes after the guys left, someone else came barging into the room.

Juniper wasn't one for waiting and subtly. She was always going big and showing a lot of personality. That was just the way that she was. She was an outgoing soul with a lot of love to give. And she just happened to like to give a lot of that love to me.

"Trinity Faith Gray! How come you did not call me the minute that you went into labor? How come I had to find out in a damn group text from Candy Pants this morning?" Yeah, and she tended to have a very bad temper sometimes too. And she didn't like being left out. She was too outgoing to want to be left out of anything.