Talia – Training To Be A Goddess PART 2

I could tell that Charlie and Chloe were not having a good time with Mr. Hades in the room. I think they were scared that he was going to be doing something to them. They had had the gone people in their lives for so long that they were not good with a lot of new situations. And they were so recently able to look like normal people.

I didn't really notice much of the difference between the two of them. They were pretty when they were bear people and they are pretty now. They were also my friends and I liked them very much. Daddy said that they had vowed to be my retainers or something like that. But I didn't know how that was possible. Retainers were things that went in your mouth to help your teeth. That was what the kids at school said. Izzy Drews said her older sister had bad teeth and needed a retainer.