Chapter 16- Rika – First Day Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




After we finished our conversation with Clovio and the others, the four of us went to get a drink from the student center before class began. It would be nice to have something to sip on while going through the lecture for the first time.

While the four of us sat together near the fountain in the center of campus, I noticed that something seemed off about Lyssa. She was looking off into the distance and seemed to be trying to find something. I didn't know what was going on with her, but I knew that she was different than usual. I mean, I had been around her since the day that she was born, well almost. I would know if one of my best friends was acting differently than usual.

"Lyssa, is something wrong?" I called out to her, worried and curious at the same time. It was our first day of college. Our first day of classes. First day of meeting a bunch of new people. There was a lot to process today and she could just be overwhelmed.