Chapter 72- Trinity – Evidence Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




Our one good lead to this entire case, the only person that we had captured and arrested that might be able to tell us what was going on here, the one person that might lead us to some sort of breakthrough in the case, was dead. He killed himself so that we wouldn't be able to get anything out of him. I didn't even know if he was one of the killers or just some asshole sent to watch us. I was so pissed off at him that I didn't even want Talia to call up Lucifer to get his soul brought back to us. It would be Talia that needed to talk to him anyway, and I wasn't going to put her through that.

"Queen Trinity?" The officer, Chris, jumped in fear when I slammed the door open and sent it flying into the wall. I heard it break the wall, oops. I didn't mean that. I would pay for it to be fixed. I didn't want to destroy Star and Artem's house.