Chapter 76- Trinity – Home At Last Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




 "Mommy, you need to see the project that I am working on in school." Zaley called out when we were sitting on the couch. She was still holding onto me and hugging me tightly, only now she was hugging me around the shoulders as she knelt on the couch.

 "A project already? Isn't that a little early in the school year?" I didn't feel like we were gone that long. It was just a little over a couple of weeks, just a day or so more. Today was literally the start of the third week of school.

 "It's an art project. They want something that is going to represent the upcoming harvest moon. I have a beautiful painting that I am making for it, but I don't think that it will make it into the showcase." She hung her head as she said that.

 "Why not, sweetheart?"

 "I'm not good enough, Mommy. And no one likes me. No one wants to have my painting on display."