Chapter 89- Trinity – The Meeting Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




I felt bad for leaving the kids the way that we did. It was only seven thirty in the evening, and they were nowhere ready for bed yet, but Reece and I needed to go to the meeting with the others. This was important. This might be a matter of life or death to them all. And if it meant that I could keep them safe that much longer, then I would do whatever it took. I would give my life for my children. I wouldn't even bat an eye. If that was what it took to protect my babies, then I would do it. I would also kill for them. If anyone ever dared to think about hurting my children, then I would stop them, killing them if I had to. And that motherly love wasn't just for my offspring, it went for my pack, my kingdom, all of my people. I would do what it took to protect them all. And that was why these recent events were so hard on me.

"Mommy, will you be here in the morning?" Zaley asked me as I moved to leave her room. "Or will you be gone again?"