Chapter 125- Reece – The Park (VOLUME 5)




By the time that we all made it to the park that Clovio had mentioned, there was no one there. The park was supposed to be closed, but that hadn't stopped those Jaegan assholes from using it. And it wasn't stopping me and the guys from searching it as well. Not to mention, if the cops showed up to stop me from doing my job, I had several people to call and fix the situation. I wasn't concerned at all.

OK, I wasn't concerned about being caught and arrested. I was concerned though, just about other things. I was concerned about Clovio and Warrick, not that they deserved that from me. I was worried that they might have been hurt by the other men in their group. And since we needed their help to finish this shit and to save my people, I needed to make sure that those two boys were safe. I was going to protect them to the best of my ability.