Chapter 139- Trinity – What We Learned (VOLUME 5)




When I left the interrogation room, I saw that all of the others were waiting on me. Had I really taken the longest? I didn't think that it had taken me all that long to talk to Claud. I mean, I had learned some things, but it seemed like it had all gone by really quick to me.

"You all finished early." I said as I walked over to the group.

"You just took longer." Shane smiled, but I saw that it wasn't filled with the same level of amusement as he usually had.

"I take it that your interview didn't go very well?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I didn't learn much." He shrugged. "I am sorry, Trinity." He looked so dejected. I hadn't seen him look this down since Shawn was injured in battle. He was always joking and messing around, but he was losing that mirth of his right before my eyes.