Chapter 9- Rawlynne – An Unwelcomed Visit (VOLUME 6)




Things had settled down now that the murders were done and over with. Jackson and I weren't as busy as we used to be. And we didn't need to worry about all of the attention being on us now. It was a lot more peaceful.

I was able to get off work on time right now, with nothing major happening in the area, no major crimes requiring my attention, and no massive meetings to discuss what we needed to do. I loved how this was all going right now. I was able to spend a lot more time with David lately. Goddess, but I loved that man way more than I ever thought was possible. And we had our kids that we could spend time with. I just loved how special the life that we had was now. I can't believe that there was ever a time that I wanted to wait and not rush into this life.