Chapter 47- Rika – Surprise Party Part 5 (VOLUME 6)




Ashle and Kaede didn't let go of my hand until we were standing in the middle of the living room. At first, I didn't know what it was that she wanted me to do, so I just stood there and looked around the room. It was a little strange at the moment. That strange black outlined image was underneath everything now, not just the stuff that was behind me or out of site. I was seeing it in everything. And I knew that I was going to have to figure this all out, and soon. Looking at the world like that, with a shadow version of it underneath everything, was going to get to be too much. I couldn't stand living like that forever. 

"Here, Rika." Ashle called as she ran back toward me. "I am going to blindfold you. If you can really see things like you say you can, then a blindfold shouldn't matter, should it?" She was grinning. I knew that she was excited about this.