Chapter 94- Trinity – Interrogations Part 2 (VOLUME 6)




I spent another thirty minutes talking to the man that was sitting in the holding room. I asked him repeatedly about the people that had helped him with these bombs. Where had he got the materials to make them? Why was he targeting the school? Who was he working with? Where their headquarters were? And so many more.

I asked him all of these questions multiple times, but he still refused to speak. He was tight lipped and kept silent. That isn't to say that he was just brave enough to not speak. He was scared, that was easy to tell. And the more that we revealed that we knew about him, the more scared that he seemed to become.

It just didn't matter though. Even with all that I had been able to deduce about him already, he still wasn't speaking. I knew that I needed a break though. I needed to get out of that room. I needed a breather before I went back to talking to that man.