Chapter 120- Trinity – A Lot Happening at Once (VOLUME 6)




After the kids went back to bed, Reece and I were sitting with Reeselynn. She had eaten and was now sound asleep. Griffin and Lana had finished all of their exams and filled out all the paperwork. It was just the three of us now, and that was fine with me. I needed to let all of this sink in.

Reeselynn wasn't supposed to be here yet. She wasn't due for a few more weeks, but she came early. And not because I was having multiple. Probably, she came early because of the stress that I had been under. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. She was fine though, so all was good. She was healthy, and so was I.

"Are you ready for some sleep?" Reece asked me as he laid the baby down in a bassinet that he brought from the nursery below.

"I want to say yes, but I am a little too excited to sleep right now. I think that I would rather just look at her for a little while."