SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 6- Vincent and Heather




I smiled like a loon while I got dressed that day. I smiled like a loon throughout the short drive from my home in the compound to the castle. And I was still smiling like a loon when I rode the elevator up to the tower.

I was doing my best to reign in my emotions, but I just couldn't. My weekend had been pure perfection, and I wasn't able to stop that from showing. I knew though, that the others would see it, and that they were likely to ask me questions about my long weekend off. That was why I was trying to school my features into something that was a little less conspicuous.

I was one of the last ones to arrive that day, even though I lived so close. When I walked off of the elevator, Reece, Shane, David, Shawn, and Dietrich were all there. The only ones missing were Gabriel and Trinity, and I knew that they were working on some of the logistics of that college course that Amadeus was going to teach this fall.