June 10

😤 Gosh! I'm so furious. Don't even ask me what happened. Just leave me. It's, it's so unbearable.

If I set my eyes on them.....oh... 🤬. What are you still waiting for 🤷🏽‍♂️? Go away.

Arghh, I feel my blood boiling (actually not like boiling water, but y'know, the other type of boiling). Why? Why me? Go away now before I 🌂....

Ok, so here's what happened. This stupid NEPA or PHCN hadn't restored power since (actually their new name is PHCN, But I wonder why some people still shout "up NEPA" when they bring the light, ain't it supposed to be "up PHCN"?).

I thought it was general, but something in me was twitching, so I decided to investigate 🕵🏽‍♂️.

I looked in my drawer and picked a shirt, gladly, I had one today to pick from as I had washed earlier this week. I then wore it and set out. Normally, our street shares light with the street down the road (ours is inside inside). I trekked and trekked till I reached the other street. You won't believe it! They did not have power! I was even more furious. I had come outside for nothing 🥺.

I looked at how far I had come, there was no way I was going back. After standing for like two minutes (which felt like two days), I started walking back home. I couldn't feel my legs anymore, it was getting wobbly. Something in me was telling me to sit on one of those paved sidewalks, but I decided to continue going anyway. I finally reached home and changed into my pyjamas. I lay on my bedside 🛌 and groaned in pains, well, not actually groaning, but I was breathing heavily, like real heavy breathings!

Mom wasn't around as she had gone to school hours before I woke up. Gladly, she didn't leave any house chore for me. Dad was too busy pressing his phone to notice me. After some while of *schnoozing, I finally sat up, an idea 💡 had ripped through my mind.


¶ Schnoozing (sh-noo-zeen): An act of sleeping with your nose in the air.

Raymond's Dictionary 1st Edition


What if, I created my own electricity? Like my own power source. I smiled and clapped my fingers, that would be nice. I would be able to charge my phone everytime I wanted. I would show NEPA or PHCN. My family would adore me and not call me lazy anymore. 😏 Who knows, they might stop me from doing any house chore, because I was providing them free electric power supply that is constant, rather than paying for a flunctuating one.

I didn't know what steps to take so I took up my phone and decided to Google search it (my phone was about 2% then).

'Easiest way to make electricity without much work.'

I typed, and a bunch of diy's popped up. I picked the first one and watched the tutorial video. It seemed easy so I jotted down the stuffs I was gonna need.




🔹Scissors ✂️.

🔹Copper wire.

Now, as a science student, I had heard of copper wire before but didn't know how it looked like. This was gonna be a problem. I asked Dad and he gave me a detailed view of it. I went back to my room and brought out the stuffs needed. I didn't really understand dad's detailing so I pretty much got lots of wire. I planned on testing them to see which one worked.

Before I started, I decided to have a short nap. I needed the energy y'know. This was a big project and a lotta rest was needed. I woke up shortly after to the sound of my sis washing the plates. Arghh, so noisy. I can't even rest in peace anymore 😪.

I looked at the items beside me and decided to start my project. I had not gone long in it when power was restored. (I'm not sure it was me, but someone was screaming, "up NEPA!" 👀).

I quickly plugged my phone and switched on the fan. I looked at my unfinished project (more like unstarted project). I smiled and began packing it away. Maybe I would give NEPA/PHCN another chance and not yet make my own form of electricity. I stuffed the items in a box 📦 and switched on my phone to start using it (I discovered it charges faster when I'm using it 🤥). Today started as bad, but, like they always say, there's always a light at the end of each tunnel and my light had just shone now.