June 13

I feel depressed today 😔. Yesterday was an holiday so Mom didn't go to work. Mom came to my room first thing in the morning and, ignoring my greetings, looked inside my laundry basket 🗑️. I sighed. I knew what was gonna come next (sometimes I think that mom has this special power called the clothy sense. This power enables her to know when a cloth was dirty, and Mom was using this power well).

Mom told me that I could not escape it. I was washing today (why does Mom always target my Saturdays for washing?). I tried to tell her that I had washed earlier this week 😥 but she told me that I always ate everyday, that I never said that I had eaten earlier this week, so I wouldn't eat again, (but we eat food to live and survive, we don't wash to survive).

So today, I had to wash those silly clothes (again!). And what's more, Mom added more chores for me. I was to sweep the bedroom and the sitting room, and I was to clean the sitting room windows 🤧. Now I pretty much know why I was called Ray [Rarely Appreciated Youth]. The funny thing is, Mom wanted me to do it all before breakfast, where would I get the strength to do that?!

I figured out that if I did my chores in the morning, I would have the afternoon and evenings all to myself. Mom won't bother me when she sees me pressing my phone and relaxing. So I got up right away and got a broom 🧹 and dustpan. I swept both rooms and then went on to clean the windows. My Sis was tasked with cleaning the bedroom windows and washing plates. My Bro too was washing clothes (in fact, he had already done it before I finally stood up from bed).

After doing two of my chores, mom called me. There was a lizard 🦎 in her room and she wanted me to help kill it, (if later in the future animals turned on me, well you know who incited me against them in the first place).

After much chasing of the lizard, I finally killed it. Then we saw another lizard beside the dead one (probably the wife). I easily killed that one as it was not as fast as the first one (probably pregnant). Mom thanked me after I threw them away. She then said I could wash after eating. I ran to the kitchen and cooked macaroni and spag 🍝. I started eating but discovered that I needed an egg. Mom said no, refusing outrightly. I panicked. I wasn't gonna eat it plain like that. After much persistent pleas, mum told me to go wash my clothes, as I was bothering her.

I would have asked Dad 👨🏽, but he was on an online meeting, via Zoom. I washed and washed and washed till those clothes got clean. Later I snuck back to Mom's room, Dad was done by then, so I asked him if I could have an egg with my meal, seeing we had run out of eggs. He gave me the money 💵 and I bought my egg (imagine, 1 egg 🥚 now costs N̄40, look what Corona has caused!)

I fried the egg and added it to my food. Yummy 😋 but not fair! Everyone had eaten since morning, I was eating my morning food in the afternoon (they were already planning what to eat as lunch then). Mom even said my breakfast was my lunch! Hah! That the next time I would eat was in the evening 🥺! I however managed to eat lunch an hour after my breakfast. I was real sneaky 😎.

In the night, we ate noodles. I'm happy that I wasn't cheated today. Even though a lot of things made me depressed, with some sunshine and food, I think I'm better now. ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ