July 12

Arghh! Today is an annoying day, a day that supposed to be removed from the calendar. It's my little Sis' birthday 🎉😣.

She's been ranting on and on about her birthday and it's actually becoming a burden to me. Like, we know it's your birthday, so just shut up already!

So she said that today, she was gonna wear five different clothes. (Like who in the world does that? 🤨). Isn't one apparel supposed to be enough for a human per day? I'm suspecting my sis is...(I reserve my comments 🤐)

So breakfast was rice and a vegetable soup 🥗. You know why I somehow like vegetable? It's got all this little little meat and pọmọ (treated delicious cow skin, not leather o, please!🧐) floating in it that makes it rather inviting. That's what I look for when eating my vegetables. I enjoyed it and asked for more, but guess what? Right! There was no more! I didn't want to clear my empty plate 🍽️, in hope that someone would remain part of theirs for me but no one did. People are so selfish! 😢.

So we wished my Sis happy birthday. Dad put on his WiFi today so I quickly connected and downloaded lots of stuff. I'm making a game,(name classified 😊) so let's not go there now. But it's a promise that when I finish making it, I'll put up the link for y'all 🤩.

Afternoon came quickly. At first Mom didn't want us to eat but after a lot of whining and pleading, she finally relented. Geez! Lunch was bread and egg, but my Sis kept saying she wanted Pepsi 🥤, so I had to get it for her. I specially fried the egg (not cos it was her birthday, but because I was hungry and yearned for a well-made omelette 🍳). Well, you can guess what I did next, I made a sandwich 🥪. (Yummy!😋)

I washed it down with a drink of water as my Sis had not started drinking her Pepsi yet. I later collected some of the Pepsi from her when she had almost finished it. My younger siblings should be grateful that I'm not exercising my full rights as Senior of the House. Under Law 49, Section 7 in the house constitution 📙 that I made up, Seniors are supposed to issue a 50% food tax on their younger ones, but, me being a good and considerable senior, decided to reduce it to 25%. It's tough for me, but I'm pulling through 😪.

Later towards the evening, I tried to do some push-ups to put my body in shape 💪🏽. I was supposed to do 10 push-ups, but believe me, it's like there was this weight on my back 🤕, I could only do two and a half [2½]. In pains, I crawled towards my bedside. How do people who gym everyday do it?

Mom came in and saw me lying on my mat, pressing my phone (my hands had to be busy). Mom told me to get up and sweep the house. Sadly, I got a broom 🧹 and a dustpan and started sweeping. Mom was monitoring me as I swept. Mom made me sweep all the corners that I normally hide dirt under (yes, we all have that corner, for some, it's under a rug, under the chair, etc.) Mom put so much pressure on me that I accidentally broke a bottle which was lying on the ground.

I showed Mom immediately. She didn't say anything but just took it away and told me to sweep the glass shards too. Phew! 😏. I actually thought Mom was going to bawl out on me.

In the evening, we were supposed to drink wheat again. When Dad asked who was gonna turn it, all eyes fell on me, and I quickly protested. The last four times we ate wheat cereal, I was the one who turned it. And besides, I wanted to write my story. Mom then volunteered to do it so I was sent to get the milk we would use. We later ate the wheat cereal🥣 and after family prayers at 8:30pm, I went to continue my relaxation 🛌🏽.