
Bai Yutang turns twenty one today. He received many messages today, and he replied with those messages with a happy face. Jian Ge called him at 00.01 am just to say happy birthday to him. He was the first person who said 'happy birthday' to him this year.

Yu Dong, Tang Yuxuan, and Liu Xiang bought a small cake and lit the twenty one candles on top of it. With that mini size of the cake, it looks like a small hedgehog with his quills standing from his back.

Bai Yutang told him that for this year's birthday, he wants to stroll the night market with Jian Ge. They didn't seem surprised anymore. They also admired Jian Ge so much now, especially after Jian Ge introduced them with Zhen Guo.

Liu Xiang is the one that keeps reminiscing about that meeting. Even until now he is still talking about that. He's a hardcore fans of Zhen Guo. His designs and style were heavily influenced by Zhen Guo since last year, when he saw one presentation discuss Zhen Guo's style in particular.

Jian Ge said that he will pick Bai Yutang at 5.30 pm in his dorm. Bai Yutang tried to refuse, but Jian Ge said it'll be a hassle for him to meet over there and easier for Jian Ge to pick him up in the dorm.

It's spring already in April, the weather is really nice to stroll outside. When Jian Ge comes to pick him, Bai Yutang really envies him. Jian Ge wears a simple dark green flannel long sleeve shirt with a silver button, the sleeves rolled casually into his elbow. He wears dark blue jeans and white sneakers. His accessory is only his silver watch in his left wrist.

Bai Yutang also wears a similar outfit, only the shirt is ocean blue with a light blue t-shirt under the shirt. 

But why does Jian Ge look like it popped up from a fashion magazine? His short hair combed to the back, revealing those smooth forehead. His peach blossom eyes always look so gentle. His lips that always curved upward now smiling, revealing those pearly white beads behind the thin pink lips.

And he looks like.. Just an ordinary student.

Jian Ge said happy birthday again to him. And they soon arrived at the night market. It was one of the most well known and prosperous shopping streets in the city, with a history of 700 years around.

These shopping streets houses a wide variety of shops and boutiques. These stores have different unique designs with many colours and shapes. This long pedestrian is also packed full of vendors selling a dazzling array of Chinese snacks.

When Bai Yutang looked around from the shopping store part into the food part of the street, he couldn't stop lively chatting and asking Jian Ge. If Jian Ge also didn't know, then they will visit the store. As an architecture student, this street is really a feast to the eye.

At the snacks vendors, Bai Yutang gains an absolute assault on his senses. There are bright lights of colourful lanterns around, and the shouts from the vendors around trying to lure the pedestrian to their stand.

The smells from the snack vendors, oh the smells... From sweet pineapple rice to stinky tofu, steamed dumplings to Chinese stir-fried noodles. Bai Yutang even saw starfish, fried scorpions, even silkworm larvae. All the food you never even thought to eat before, is lined up in these vendors to sell.

Bai Yutang walking with a bag of fried prawns and chicken street snack. He enjoyed his snack while looking at the shop selling grilled seahorses sticked with cheese and paprika. Suddenly someone bumped into him, making him almost drop his snacks. He stumbled and all he can think about is how humiliated for falling down because he wants to save his snacks.

Before he really stumbles down, suddenly a pair of arms appear from behind and holding his waist, help him to regain his balance. His back bumped into a warm broad chest behind him, and his nose filled with that familiar scent. That sandalwood and lavender scent, with a soft hint of orange underneath.

Bai Yutang turned his head back and saw Jian Ge looking at him, his voice concerned, "Are you okay?" 

Bai Yutang still feels that Jian Ge's strong arm is still on his waist, wrapping him around with his warmth.

Bai Yutang hurriedly turned his head around again, somehow he felt that his face suddenly hot. Maybe from the embarrassing moment before. How could he act like a kid, who can't even walk properly. He can only nod and lose his voice. Too ashamed to say anything.

Actually Bai Yutang is not the one who acts shy all the time. Most of the time he was an ordinary student with ordinary confidence in his own ability. But facing someone as superior as Jian Ge, sometimes he can't help acting like this. Scolding himself inside why he can't act as proper and as cool as Jian Ge.

Jian Ge finally releases the arms that wrap his waist, then saying, "It's getting really crowded here. I'm afraid a lot of people will bump into you. I'll walk closer behind you and you can just look around freely. Or you want to go into one of those restaurants? There are restaurants here selling one of the best peking ducks. Also there are restaurants here famous for their mutton soup."

Bai Yutang still has no courage to face Jian Ge with his face still blushing like this. So he meekly said, "I still want to look around, Jian Ge."

They continue to stroll, Jian Ge walking on his left side, slightly behind him. Protecting him from the crowd gathering around the food stalls. After 10 minutes strolling, Bai Yutang starts to forget his embarrassing moment and lively talk again.

They spent almost two hours strolling around. He tried a lot of food until he felt full and decided to go to the dessert restaurant he saw previously. Jian Ge also eats the snacks he bought.

Sometimes.. Jian Ge just eats right from the stick in his hand. Staring at that handsome face that popped up closely from behind and eating the snack he held in his hand, made Bai Yutang's heart beat faster.

Bai Yutang somehow feels that maybe if he has a girlfriend one day, this is the feeling he got when finally going for a date. If that time comes, he also will try to be as attentive and protective as Jian Ge today.

When they turn around to go to the dessert restaurant, one woman hurriedly runs to catch her son. But this time, before that woman bumped into him, Bai Yutang felt a hand grab his shoulder and hurriedly protect him so the hot kebab held in that woman's hand didn't scratch him at all.

At this time, Bai Yutang's face blushed again. But he decided that it was no use for him feeling shy and embarrassed. He's not a girl. This is just the way someone superior protects his pathetic junior. So he just kept walking, and didn't mind Jian Ge's hand that still linger in his shoulder, until they arrived at that dessert restaurant.

When they drive home and reach the dorm, Jian Ge suddenly goes out from his car too and asks him to wait for a moment. Jian Ge opens his trunk and brings something out from it. It was a box wrapped in green and silver colour, without any ribbon.

Simple and elegant, just like Jian Ge.

"Happy birthday, TangTang. I didn't really know what you like the most for your birthday. But I hope this will be useful for you. Zhen Guo is the one who suggested this as a gift to an architecture student. I hope you enjoy this day, and your year ahead full of bliss and happiness"

Jian Ge's gentle voice lingering in the air. Bai Yutang had to admit, this is one of the best birthdays he had for this whole 21 years.


Saturday has arrived. It's really nice to walk together from the dorm to the cafe in this season. Looking at the flowers start to bloom under the moonlight, with colours as bold as their confidence in attracting the butterfly and bees. The weather is warm with breezing wind swaying the leaves on the trees.

Yu Dong already invited Mu Xiaoya, and asked her to bring her friends also. Yu Dong is afraid Mu Xiaoya will reject his invitation if she knows she was the only girl invited. But Mu Xiaoya immediately agreed and said she will only bring her best friend if they don't mind it.

Four of them are the first to arrive. They start to order, and not long after the other guests come on time.

"Happy birthday DongDong and TangTang. I wish you guys all the best and thank you for inviting this old man. Here's my birthday gift for you, DongDong. I hope you'll like it"

Jian Ge gave his gift to Yu Dong. The gift wrapped in dark red colour and some dimmed glittering gold. Somehow, Bai Yutang feels his gift from Jian Ge is better than DongDong's.

Jian Kang Lu almost arrived at the same time with Mu Xiaoya and her friend. They sat together and Bai Yutang introduced Jian Ge to Mu Xiaoya formally.

"This is Jian Kang Lu, his nickname is [WhiteRobe] in Magallan. You guys have already met each other in Magallan a few times before."

Jian Ge stood up and introduced himself to Mu Xiaoya, "Hello, we finally met. I hope you continuously support me to level up faster. I'm sorry you have to carry this old uncle."

Liu Xiang and Tang Yuxuan laugh, "Jian Ge, if you're an old uncle, then all our seniors here in the university are definitely a grandpa!!!"

Bai Yutang signalled Yu Dong to introduce Mu Xiaoya to the others.

"Jian Ge, Yuxuan, XiangXiang, this is Mu Xioya. She is our junior, on her second year. She also play Magallan. Jian Ge already know her ID. She's our best damage supporter in dungeon raid." He then introduce Mu Xiaoya's friend. "And this is Ling Yue, she's also our junior."

The others greet them formally. Mu Xiaoya stood up and bow, "I'm sorry senior, not to introduce myself properly. My name is Mu Xiaoya, second year in the architecture department here. I came from S city, the same with Ling Yue. Please take care of us."

This table consists of seven people lively talking, and Bai Yutang can see that these Mu Xiaoya sometimes steal glances at Jian Ge. Her friend also sometimes looks at Jian Ge. But the difference is she also looks at Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang, while Xiaoya consistently looks at Jian Ge. Sometimes he also caught her looking at him.

At first, he thought because Jian Ge is so handsome and they play games together. But he then felt something was weird. Why did Xiaoya also look at him and divert her eyes if she was caught? Bai Yutang sighed inside his heart. Maybe this is what makes Yu Dong think that she likes him.

Somehow, Bai Yutang just felt something strange with Mu Xiaoya. And the way she looks at him also definitely is not that kind of 'look'.

In the middle of the dinner, these two girls are already hooked with Jian Ge's charming. He truly can talk to anyone. Bai Yutang can see the envy in Yu Dong's face. Maybe he will tell Yu Dong to ask for some 'talking to girls' lesson to Jian Ge. He also needs this lesson.

Moreover when Liu Xiang told these two girls about their meeting with Zhen Guo. "You girls won't believe who we met when we're invited to have dinner with Jian Ge last month. It was Zhen Guo! The architecture God himself! We have dinner together at the same table with our God! Turns out our God is Jian Ge's best friend."

Jian Ge laughed, "Don't flatter him so much, his head will turn into a big melon if he heard this. Please don't ever say that he is your God or else I have to hear him bragging about that in the next ten years."

Both of these girls' eyes widen until they look like they want to jump from their eye socket. "Really? Really?? Oh My God, i can't believe it? Our God Zhen Guo is really your best friend, Jian Ge???" Ling Yue's voice even shrilled when she said these sentences.

They continue to talk, and sometimes Jian Ge told them some jokes about their God Zhen Guo. These two girls start to talk about the miracle in Zhen Guo's design, and chatter about their hometown too when Jian Ge talks about the places he visits in S city.

After the dinner, they start to enjoy the dessert. Bai Yutang who sat next to Jian Ge looking at his mango soft pudding with milk and almond sauce. Jian Ge is the one who ordered that for him and poured the sauce on his plate.

This is also one of Jian Ge's habits. He likes to silently put the food that Bai Yutang likes on his plate. Sometimes Bai Yutang wonders if Jian Ge treats him like a kid, because maybe that's the same way Jian Ge treats his four year old nephew.

When Jian Ge poured that sauce, Bai Yutang noticed the girls who sat next to their table, keep looking at them repeatedly. At first he already got used to these kinds of things every time he went out with Tang Yuxuan.

These girls look familiar, and they always like this every time he sees them. All the time, it was always when Bai Yutang went with Tang Yuxuan. Bai Yutang can't help noticing because these girls sometimes just stare widely with their mouth open.

But this time, he felt something not right. Because Tang Yuxuan sits on the opposite side of him. So if these girls are in Tang Yuxuan's fans club, their gaze should be in that direction.

However, these girls stare in his direction and Jian Ge's. Maybe Jian Ge's is so charming that even Tang Yuxuan lost his fans club to this handsome man.

Bai Yutang talks to Yu Dong, "Do you think those girls next to us look familiar? I think I saw them a few times before."

Yu Dong looks at those girls, who instantly pretend that the food in front of them suddenly looks appealing. "En, i think so. But i can't remember when and where. Why are you asking that, TangTang?"

Mu Xiaoya, who sat next to Yu Dong, suddenly coughed and drank some water.

Jian Ge who heard him talk before, teasing him, "Are there any girls over there that caught your eye? Maybe we should try to converse with them if there's anyone that you like."

Now Mu Xiaoya even choked with her water until her face turned red like a steamed crab.

Yu Dong gives her more water and some tissue. "Are you okay, Xiaoya? Do you need a cold drink? Breathe and drink slowly.."

Mu Xiaoya couldn't say anything, and she still heavily coughed and breathed for a few more minutes.

Because of that, everyone forgot about the girls beside their table. And then they wrapped the dinner nicely, going back home with wide grins and happy faces.

The happiest face? It was Yu Dong's.