End of Story

Zhen Guo already thinks that it will be a hard task to search for one young man in this big country without involving the police and media. Sun Hongjia is their biggest hope to find this young man with all his abundant resources.

He already asked some of his friends from T university. He leisurely asked to avoid any suspicion if he questioned them intensely. But they don't know who this Bai Yutang is. It's understandable. He comes from W city with no architect family background. And he's so young.

Actually these friends of his already raise their attention, who is this young man still studying in university that can pique Zhen Guo's interest. Is he a genius??? Inside, they made their mind to find out more about this young man. If they can scout him for their department, it will be a huge achievement!

On Friday, Zhen Guo received the presentation report about the hotel renovation his firm was responsible for. Zhen Guo's name is one of the biggest in the architect's cycle. He built his own firm seven years ago and that small firm grew into one of the biggest architecture firms in the country now.

This project is handled by several departments. Although he didn't directly design the renovation itself, he still oversaw the project and revised them if needed. He'll be involved directly if the project is a new building and has a big budget to manifest his designs.

The junior architects and the head department responsible for the presentation wiping their sweat. This happens everytime their boss watches their presentation. Zhen Guo was not a man with many words, but they can't help to fear this man. Afraid they will get criticized by him. Zhen Guo always has sharp eyes, and his corrections are blunt.

The way he talked was polite, but somehow it was even more sharp than a bark or harsh words from their previous boss. It could embarrass them, felt like they were just a small fish, insignificant.

The presentation is quite good, then Zhen Guo remembers that this project also has joint cooperation with another small firm. If he remembers clearly, his senior works in this small firm. His senior is one of the architect leaders that also works as a teacher in T university. He should be a professor now? Zhen Guo didn't really remember.

So he contacted his senior, pretending to talk about this project. His senior was a bit surprised to receive his phone calls. But he didn't think much. Maybe Zhen Guo just wants to finalise the designs and construction since it's near the deadline already.

After a polite chit chat of about 5 minutes, Zhen Guo asks about his original intention. "Senior, I remember that you're still teaching in T university. My friend has a relative studying there. His name is Bai Yutang. Do you know him?"

His senior's voice sounds surprised, "Bai Yutang? Is this the same person we talked about? If this is the same person, then what do you think about his sketch?"

Now Zhen Guo is the one confused. What does his senior mean by sketch? He never saw Bai Yutang's sketch. 

"Umm.. I've never seen his sketch before, that's why i asked you. My friend says that this relative of his is quite good. I just wonder, maybe you know about him and can give him more pointers if he lacks in anything."

His senior sounds even more confused than his, "What do you mean by you never saw his sketch? I thought you asked because you've seen his sketches lately?"

Zhen Guo really doesn't know why this conversation turns into something more confusing than finding the best formula to redevelop urban infrastructure. 

"I'm sorry senior, but i don't understand. I really never saw his sketches before. Can you explain to me, senior?"

His senior slowly explained, "I offer him a job to do sketches for this hotel redevelopment project, since two young architects collapsed already. I thought you already saw his sketches so you ask me about that."

Now Zheng Guo doesn't know what to say. Is this some kind of God's hand helping him? He really found this young man? But wait, he can't get excited first. He needs to confirm this.

"Hold on. Is this the same young man we talked about? This Bai Yutang from W city and should be in his fourth year right now? You mean that he's doing a part time job for this hotel redevelopment? Which department he was helping now?"

His senior's voice sounds a little bit unsure, "Yes. I guess so. But I heard he took a break this semester. I didn't really know which city he came from. He's helping the lower and middle interior department and the park utility team."

Zhen Guo is really glad he's calling his senior. But he needs to make sure. So after giving his thanks to his senior, he hurriedly ended his phone call and almost ran outside to visit the division that supervised the lower and middle interior department.

When the division's leader saw him, they were shocked. Which trouble did they make that made the God himself go down to reprimand them? Especially when the God asks them which person is responsible for the lower and middle interior of this hotel renovation.

The person came with a sweating forehead, and the others who didn't belong to that department released their relieved breath. This person is quite confused when the God asks whether they have a part timer named Bai Yutang helping them with sketches.

At first, this person thought there's something very wrong with sketches. But he didn't remember anything wrong, the sketches are fine, the presentation also fine. If there's some problem, Zhen Guo must have told his department's head first in the presentation before.

So he decided to defend Bai Yutang. Although his voice was trembling when he said his words.

"Yes, we have a part timer named Bai Yutang. But his work is already approved by us. It seems nothing wrong with his sketches. May I know why you asked, Mr. Zhen?"

"Is he still studying in T university?"

This person was more confused when heard Zhen Guo asking that. The God even further asks about this young man's personal information, such as where this young man lived right now.

"I was not really sure about that, Mr. Zhen. But I think some of the architects in my team asked him where he lived."

"Did he come here?" Zhen Guo asked him, and stared at him with that hawk eye.

This person wiped his sweating hands in his pants. "No, I think they're asking him in the group chat."

"Can you show me?"

This person was shocked and regretted why he said those words. The God demanded him to show the group chat conversation. Is it too late to refuse? He knows he can't. He tried to remember whether anyone in that group said something unprofessional there, while showing Zhen Guo the chat group with trembling hands.

Zhen Guo actually doesn't care. He scrolled the chat above until he found the information he needed.

He's still 21 years old. His scholarship application is under processed and his counselor told him it might be approved at the end of October. He's taking a break from university because of financial problems, but strives to register next semester. He comes from W city. He lives in B city. He's still studying in T university.

This really is Jian Kang Lu's platonic little lover!!!

Zhen Guo is really glad, and he shows this person who is still trembling one of his rare smiles.

The person from the lower and middle interior department is getting more anxious. Does this smile of the God mean a good thing, or bad??

Zhen Guo thinking, Jian Kang Lu already knew Bai Yutang's number but Bai Yutang didn't want to answer. So what's left is to just directly meet him. Zhen Guo returned the phone back to the owner and said, "I need you to do a favour for me. I want to find out where he lives, but don't tell him that i want that information."

The other person's face is confused but he just nods his head. "Yes Mr. Zhen, i'll tell you as soon as possible."

Zhen Guo nodded, and turned back to his office. After a few steps, he had questions in his head. Bai Yutang should already know that he was Jian Kang Lu's friend, but he still accepts this job. Does that mean he really needs money, or what?

Or maybe he just hates Jian Kang Lu? Maybe he found out that his friend is gay? Is this a right decision to let Jian Kang Lu meet this person again? But if Bai Yutang hates Jian Kang Lu and doesn't want to meet him, why would he accept this job? He should know that this firm belongs to him, right?

So he stopped his step, and turned his head. Asking that person again, "Does this young man know that he's doing sketches for our firm?"

That person's face is even more confused now, "Umm.. I don't recall we ever mention our firm's name.. And he also never asks. But he should know from the person offering him this job, I guess.. Is he supposed not to know?"

Zhen Guo's brain tries to create many possibilities based on this information. In the end he just said to his subordinate, "If he never asks, that's good. Also don't tell him in the future, until you secure his address. When you have that information, immediately contact me, no matter what time, just contact me."

So this lower and middle interior department is having an emergency meeting. None of them gave new jobs to Bai Yutang this Friday evening. They don't know how to pry this crucial information from Bai Yutang.

After heated discussion in the barbecue restaurant, they appoint the most junior member of their department to ask Bai Yutang tomorrow morning. The reason to ask? This junior member is also looking for an apartment and maybe Bai Yutang's apartment is convenient for him.

Perfect reason! That's what they all think, but they are already under the alcohol's influence. Everything is good.

Even though they don't know why the God needs this person's address, they tactfully agreed to halt all the work for this young man. If this person is bad, then better not to anger their firm's director. But they had a feeling that this person is important, and it made them agree not to make him work.

What if this person told their God something bad about them!! All of them tried to recall, did they ever do something bad to this young man?

On Saturday noon, the most junior member who woke up with a throbbing and dizzy head, grasped when he saw the time on his clock. He regrets why he had to drink a lot yesterday. He was supposed to call this young man early in the morning!!!

Luckily Bai Yutang answered his question cooperatively.

"Umm.. Listen, I want to ask you about something private. You know that I'm the most junior member here. My salary is not big. I want to look for some place new to stay but not too expensive. Can you tell me about your apartment? Maybe i can take a look over there if there's some vacant room."

This junior member already received instruction from his superior, and all of them agreed that this young man's financial state is not too good. So the place he stays must be cheap.

Bai Yutang answered him politely and told him there's a vacant room in his place, but he didn't stay in the apartment. It's a shabby hostel and very cheap. Only 500 yuan per month.

This junior member is shocked. 500 yuan per month in B city??? What kind of hostel is that? He got the address and told him that he will take a look at that area. If later he wants to visit, he will call Bai Yutang.

He immediately reported to his superior. And that's how Zhen Guo got Bai Yutang's address on Saturday noon.

Zhen Guo didn't tell Jian Kang Lu immediately. He discussed that with his wife and his friend first. Sun Hongjia and Luo Yan said they want to investigate this place first, and why Bai Yutang cut the contact from Jian Kang Lu. Just like what Zhen Guo originally thought, it might not be a good idea to directly give this information to Jian Kang Lu.

But Luo Jian said, he should tell Jian Kang Lu immediately. It's their private matter. And even though something bad really happened between them, it should be Jian Kang Lu's business to solve it. They have no right to halt this information from him.

Zhen Guo confused. So that's why he didn't tell Jian Kang Lu until almost midnight. That's because Luo Jian stares at him coldly once she knows that Zhen Guo still hasn't told Jian Kang Lu that he found Bai Yutang's address.

Zhen Guo knows the meaning of his wife's face when she looks at him that way. And it will have scary impact for him if he didn't immediately follow her words. As a smart husband, of course he threw away his own, and also his friend's opinion. None of your opinions matter if that makes your wife unhappy.

And that's the story why Jian Kang Lu appeared in front of his kitten's door on Sunday morning.