
The weather outside the airport is very cold. It was 3 degrees celsius. But the harsh wind blow brings the world's temperature outside to below the freezing point.

Bai Yutang was glad they didn't need to wait outside. Jian Kang Lu was really worried about him and the cold weather. He reminded him multiple times not to be exposed with winter wind. Jian Kang Lu also reminded him about his illness last year if Bai Yutang opened his mouth to refute him.

Jian Kang Lu even put the jacket and the shawl on him, tightening it personally in Bai Yutang's neck. And just looked satisfied after he saw Bai Yutang wrapped tightly from head to toe.

Bai Yutang is already accustomed with this habit of Jian Kang Lu, that always treats him like a 7 year old child. So he just stood there silently and let Jian Kang Lu do whatever he wanted to do.