The Blissful Morning (NSFW)

-- Warning, this chapter is NSFW. If you're not comfortable with it, please skip it--

The snow falling outside the window, in the wintry days of bluster and ice. The earth covered as white as any new page. The feathered crystal tumbled, and the city struggled from the murky cloud.

Bai Yutang felt cold. So he snuggled in the blanket, trying to find more warmth. There's something warm inside the blanket, so he unconsciously just moved his body toward the heat.

When his freezing body found that heat source, it was glad. And tried to hold it tight. Bai Yutang hates the cold, and welcomes the heatwave. His body was glad to find something to hold on. Bai Yutang's head instinctually pulls itself closer, and his freezing feet also rub that heat source.