In The Living Room (NSFW)

—This chapter contain NSFW, if you're not comfortable with it, please skip it—

Jian Kang Lu kissed his kitten's lips, those beautiful lips that obediently receive his kiss. Not running away from him. Welcoming his light peck, his light touch. His tip of lips can feel that dry lips slowly turn moist from his repeated peck and Jian Kang Lu brushed that lips with the tip of his tongue.

They're sitting in the living room, in the large black sofa with the grey fur rug under. The light from outside the glass door illuminates the room inside with speckled golden light inside this bright and warm space.

Jian Kang Lu's right hand that was caressing his kitten's waist already moved, slip inside his kitten's t-shirt. To feel the soft skin underneath, caress that thin waist lightly from his side waist, to his back, and go up.