The Ugly Duck

Feng Mian looked at the photos taken, and a radiant smile bloomed quietly over her lips. She was satisfied to see her face in those photos. As expected, her right side is the best angle when photographed.

In that photo, she was sitting beside Bai Yutang. If a stranger saw these photos, they must have thought that they're couple. A very harmonious couple, with a matched outfit. If she cropped the others, it was perfect for their very first couple photos.

Well, he hasn't said anything to her though. But Feng Mian doesn't mind his shyness. She enjoys their interaction so far. And maybe one day, he will realise that she was really like him. Feng Mian hoped that day would not take too long. Even though she was not in a hurry, it would be better if they could be in a relationship sooner.