He Deserves It

Bai Yutang massages his temples. His head is still throbbing hard. He could still taste iron in his tongue. Bitter and acidic. This is the first time he experiences what it feels to have a hangover. 

Last night he was so mad with Tang Yuxuan, and also with himself. He wanted to shout and punch Tang Yuxuan. How could Tang Yuxuan say those things to Jian Kang Lu? But he can't release his anger to him. Because no matter what, it was all his own fault not telling them in the first place. So he just left. 

Yu Dong was running after him, and brought his phone which he left in Liu Xiang and Tang Yuxuan's room. Yu Dong also escorts his drunken self to his room. Yu Dong texted him that night, ask him to have lunch with him today. That's why now he waited for Yu Dong in the small restaurant near the studio.