Looking Back At That Time

"I'm home."

Bai Yuren could hear her brother's voice from the kitchen. She was standing there, sweating, and cursed inside. She was in a life and death battle with these damn shrimps. Why on earth she decided to be a good sister, told her brother that she will cook his favourite dishes as their dinner for welcoming him home. 

The only good things about preparing shrimps are they are easy to defrost. Just took 10 minutes for them to be soaked in cold water and it defrosted already. She hates the process of removing these damn shells. Sometimes it pricks her fingers. 

She hates deveining them. Dig under the vein with her knife and and pull it up and out. Sometimes it breaks as she pulls, makes her just keep digging and pulling until it's removed. Some people choose to leave the vein, but her brother always removes them. Because after all, it's animal waste. And most of all, she hated the smell of her fingers after she cleaned it, stinky fish fingers.