Birthday Card

Jian Kang Lu missed his kitten so much. His kitten had started doing his final project in the studio for the past one week. His kitten just comes back home before him, sometimes even Jian Kang Lu reaches home first. Last Wednesday Jian Kang Lu even waited for his kitten in the campus for more than three hours to pick him up and have dinner together.

Jian Kang Lu missed his kitten's cooking. Since his kitten is busy, they only have simple breakfast. Dinner now always eats outside or delivered to their apartment. Jian Kang Lu prefers his kitten to eat on time, but he can't help to be selfish and let his kitten eat his dinner late, adjusting Jian Kang Lu's dinner time.

Jian Kang Lu has been thinking, at this rate his kitten will just tire himself out. He needs to think about something to reduce his kitten's burden. He also worries that his kitten took public transportation late at night.