Warm Autumn Night

In the end Bai Yutang can't cook a decent breakfast for his lover's birthday. He didn't know whether he had to smile or angry when his lover told him that their morning entanglement is the best breakfast for his lover's birthday.

But it was so good, Bai Yutang can't complain about it.

He finally settled with making a simple fried egg and eating it with milky bread. They didn't rush to eat their simple breakfast. It was not enough, but they will have another big lunch today, so this simple breakfast is at least adequate to hold their hunger until later.

"Let's play another card game tonight. I have to admit your birthday gift was the best ever, baby." His lover teases him with an expression clearly hoping Bai Yutang will play for real instead of teasing him.

"Card game is supposed to be played by two of us. Why was I the only one who had to follow the card?" Bai Yutang was not a naive boy who got tricked by his lover again.