
Zhong Fan had heard that today their division will have a new comrade thrown into this hellish pit. He can't be more happy waiting for this person. They had worked for the past 3 weeks like zombies and can't wait for additional manpower to suffer together. He heard from his colleague that this person graduated from T university. He can't wait to see for himself the capability of these elite troops. 

F firm was a mediocre firm in this country. But mediocre among hundreds of firms in this big country means they're still in the top 100 firms. They only lack experience doing foreign projects.

In this firm, they hired more than 40 architects with a total employee count of more than 100. The firm was divided into big 3 divisions. Zhong Fan belonged to the third division, handling residences from individual residences to big resorts. First division specialise in offices, and second division exists for traditional design and public spaces.