
Jian Kang Lu raised his eyebrow to see her mother hugged his kitten tight once she saw them walking to the living room. He then frowned when his kitten stammered, calling her 'mother'.

He didn't get the meaning of her mother's expression when she stared at him. Why does he feel there is something between his kitten and his mother? Something that he doesn't know.

He didn't deny that he's happy to see this warming scene, but he was also restless when he realised his mother kept throwing that look at him. An expression like she was waiting for something from him.

Auntie Zhou's family soon arrived. This led to Jian Kang Lu guarding his kitten again from the devil queen. He really can't let this Wu Yajun to be together in one room with his kitten. How could he stand to look at this woman keep whispering something to his kitten while they were standing together in the kitchen.