Poor Little Lamb

Jian Kang Se's mouth twitched to see this massive public display affection done by his older brother. When he walked to their table, planned to sit there first to drink some wine before going to the battle to greet their relatives, what he saw was his older brother smiling so bright, his smile stretched from ear to ear. His brother's hand touched and caressed Bai Yutang's hair and cheek with a look of a man drunk in love. In his brother's age, it was embarrassing to show this kind of intimate act in public.

His wife, Fan Mingle, chuckled to see what he saw. She seems to understand what's on his mind. Her slender hands pat his back. "Try to understand your Ge. This is the first time he has someone in his life."

Jian Kang Se looked at his wife, "You're not there when he had so many girlfriends. This clearly is not his first time in a relationship."