Graduation Day

Jian Kang Lu looked at the young man standing in front of him, he helped him fix his graduation robe and cap. The young man's eyes are calm, far from nervous. He looked excited and full of hope. 

Jian Kang Lu sighed inside. His own graduation day was years ago. As a nephrologist, he has already gone through graduation day twice in his life. He will have another graduation day if he takes his PhD, which he still hesitates to start. PhD is only useful if he wants to pursue his professor title.

"Gege, am I good enough?" His kitten asked. Jian Kang Lu smiles and pat his shoulder. "Yes, you're the most handsome graduate today. Go, i'll pick your mom and sister."

Jian Kang Lu offered to pick Bai Yutang's family. After all, as a T uni alumnus, he is familiar with this campus and the graduation hall. His own parents know the place for them to attend Jian Kang Lu's graduation twice. They will meet there.