Good Girl (NSFW)

Jian Kang Lu picked his kitten and had dinner together with Bai Yutang's family at Da Yuan, the Chinese restaurant near T university. It was the place where Jian Kang Lu liked to order the food delivered to Bai Yutang in his studio days. 

Da Yuan is a courtyard garden restaurant set around a large pond, rich in history and well-preserved architecture. Walking down the red lantern lit entrance, you know it is likely going to be a bizarre experience, the grounds inside have traditional buildings and the staff are all in traditional dresses.

A really colourful place.The entire restaurant staff were dressed in colourful traditional Qing-dynasty dresses and garments known. They bow slightly and say 'May you have good fortune' and welcome you to this grand courtyard house, which uniquely named the Bai family mansion, the same surname as Bai Yutang.