As Long As My Brother Is Happy

Bai Yuren already met Jian Kang Lu's parents on Bai Yutang's graduation day. Her cheerful personality also makes her easier to mingle with Jian Ming, Jiang Kang Lu's nephew. Soon she blended well on Jian Kang Lu's Sunday Lunch.

YingYing's personality is almost the same as Bai Yuren, but this is her first time meeting Jian Kang Lu's parents, thus she didn't say much. She just answered if she was asked, mostly she just observed.

From her observation towards this family, she felt more and more suspicious. 

First, Bai Yutang called Jian Kang Lu's parents with mother and father.

Second, Bai Yutang goes directly to the kitchen and cooks together with an old woman. Both of them look like the kitchen ruler, while the others just come and go to snatch some snacks or ask for more cucumber melon ice. YingYing can't help but notice Jian Kang Lu sometimes put his hand on Bai Yutang's waist and whispered something to his ear.