Moon And Stars

Days went by. Sometimes it's peaceful, sometimes it isn't. Here and there, Bai Yutang receives the same evil look and laugh thrown at him. The words were ambiguous, which made Bai Yutang can't pinpoint the wrong of them.

Bai Yutang met his friends at least once a month. There, he heard many things happened in other offices. It seems his case with Zhong Fan happened everywhere. Yu Dong also went through it.

"You better mention some of the things you designed to your superior. Give him hints here and there about your own design. Pretend to ask him for advice." Yu Dong told him.

"But my work is divided by my teammates, because I'm the most junior member. My boss basically just divides the work into three of them, and they will assign the tasks to me. So even though i want to ask, i need to ask them, not my boss." Bai Yutang said in a low voice. He plays with his noodles, and has no appetite to eat.