Dirty Talk (NSFW)

Bai Yutang is still standing. He truly thought all the most embarrassing moments in his life all happened on his lover's birthday. Last year's striptease comparable with today's event. Honestly, he didn't know what encouraged him to really fulfil his promise about presenting himself as an additional birthday gift to his lover.

Time seems to flow slowly, just like a high viscosity liquid runs around this room, heavy, suffocating.

Bai Yutang didn't dare to look at his lover's face. He was afraid to be disappointed if he saw his lover laugh at him. He saw his own reflection in the bathroom, it was far from sexy.

The model who posed for this lingerie has 8 six pack abs and a sexy mermaid line, while all he had was just a flat body. Truly flat from collarbone to his little brother down there. This lingerie is better used on his lover's body.