
Life is balanced. There's always a negative and positive side in life, yin and yang, rough and soft.

Just like his kitten's resignation. Jian Kang Lu is very curious why his kitten suddenly resigned from his job. After his kitten asked him for his opinion if his kitten became jobless, one week later his kitten told him that he already submitted his resignation letter and will be jobless at the end of this month.

His kitten told him in a light tone, half joking, that he could only give his body for Jian Kang Lu's birthday in the next two months if he couldn't get a job until that time.

Jian Kang Lu didn't mind at all if his kitten became an unemployed man, but he knows his kitten too well. Why does his beloved kitten need to resign immediately? He was worried, but his kitten only told him that he wasn't satisfied with his current work, and wanted to change his environment. Looking for a new challenge.