Birthday's Dinner

Jian Kang Lu and Bai Yutang's life after the incident appear to be the same on the surface. But it hurts both of them.

Bai Yutang aches every time he sees the purple bruises near his lover's temple. The bruises are gone after 1 week. But there's a tiny scar left there. Like a reminder for him of the incident.

Jian Kang Lu ached every time he saw his kitten's guilty face. He doesn't want to see that kind of expression painted on his kitten's handsome face. Even after two weeks, his kitten still gave him the same expression.

Therefore, he could only tease his kitten. "Rather than you look at me that way, why don't you just give a kiss to my scar? Don't you think that my scar is sexy? A man is sexier with scars left from the war, right?"

Bai Yutang admired this old wolf who never missed a smallest chance to take advantage of his own miserable condition.