Time Is Precious

When you become an adult, time flies like the wind. You can feel it brushed past you, but it was so faint you could not see until it passed.

And time for a father with two children, well, Bai Yutang can't even feel the wind brushing through him. It just disappeared quietly.

Regarding staying in one house with his parents- in-law, his husband asked him, his friends worry about him, only his sister who didn't care about it.

Before the babies were born, Jian Kang Lu asked every hour, "Why don't we buy or rent a house near my mother's house? We don't have to stay there."

Bai Yutang really doesn't mind staying there. He just felt living in a two bedroom apartment with two children really not suitable, and both of them are inexperienced dads. 

Buying a house near his parents- in-law's house is almost impossible. There are no houses for sale in that area, and the price is high.