Bao Bei

Bai Yutang successfully coaxes his mother in law who wants to buy every hair accessory in the store. The result of his hard work is still a pile of dresses in every shape and colour for the little princess sleeping in the stroller.

Fei Hong's face was red when Lin Caihong gave him one bag full of baby clothes, blankets, and milk bags.

"Auntie.. You don't need to.."

"No need to be polite. Aunties just want to buy these cute things but these babies grow too fast, they don't fit these kinds of clothes anymore. Just make sure you take care of your pregnancy well and let auntie see your baby later on." Lin Caihong waves her hand.

"Thank you, auntie." Fei Hong didn't reject anymore. 

Suddenly the sound of a baby crying was heard from the stroller. Jian Shen quickly checks his granddaughter whose face starts to turn red from screaming and crying.