At first, it pained like a bullet wound. Sharp and dreadful. She couldn't breath. As the night carried out and daylight broke, the bullet dissipated and became nothing more than a toddlers fist to her chest. Hardly feeling a thing.
Of course came the riptide that was depression. Those dark thoughts clouding her happiness and desire for a future. Making her believe this was the end. That she could no longer find what she truly wanted, what she deserved. What she deserved was better, better than him, better than the temporary security he selfishly gave.
Was it all a facade? She couldn't see how because of how real it all felt. It helped that she destroyed most of the physical memories; the lingerie and pictures. Now as weeks went by without any lingering evidence of what sandalance game they play, it felt like a very long and detailed dream.
A lick of fire, a light called hope once again ignited this burning drive in her. Not a chance will she allow this one man to dictate how she will live. Even though she was more than ready to disappear from hers and become absorbed into his. The whole idea just seemed silly, how could she do that now?
She can't. She won't. She mustn't.
The universe has plans for her, bigger and better. If that weren't the case, she'd be packing her bags every weekend to go see him.This was a hard lesson, but one of importance.