Family ?

Fei er looked at the young man for a while. Son of Mo Ye, if he remembers correctly, Mo Ye was the Former Great King of Ba Yau palace who belonged to the Profound Priest tribe, and he was the younger brother of the Profound Priest Mo Hu, otherwise known as Ta Mo, who at the end of his life became the head of the sacred priestess clan. Fei took Hong's hand and stood up.

"We are grateful for the information, Your Highness, but none of that has anything to do with us, what did you guys come here and make a fuss for? Come on Hong, let's go to sleep" Fei said, which Hong couldn't refuse when his brother pulled him up from his seat.

"Eh, Brother"

"Of course, it is, young master Jie" The third prince's words made Fei stop. He was going to ignore it and continued walking toward the room, but the voice again stopped him.