The Truth

Bai Hu was restless, back and forth in front of his room, after several days of pain, Tang Yuan who was pregnant for seven months was finally about to give birth, her very weak condition meant that she had to give birth before its time. But, it's been a while and the healer hasn't come out yet.

"Ouch, what happened" Bai Hu worried, it should be an ordinary birth, and so far his wife also has no complaints. For her womb which was weak from the start, the Emperor and Empress had sent many herbal drinks to hundreds of years of medicine to strengthen her fetus. Tang Yuan was physically very strong, but the baby was not as strong as they had expected.

"Akhhh!" Tang Yuan's screams could be heard outside the room.

Bai Hu turned to Sang Tao who was standing not far beside him.

"Ouch, Sang, what should I do? Why is Pyshician Wang hasn't coming yet, where is he?" he asked worriedly, could not stay still and walked to and fro.