What A Day

"Fei er don't be careless, you will only die silly" Bai Hu exclaimed.

Fei was worried, Hong's face as pale as a ghost with so much energy rushing out from behind his body.

"Father, hurry up and do something, little brother, what happened to him?"

Bai Hu looked around him, clenching his fists tightly.

"Da Huang, withdraw your energy when I told you, you may freeze from it, this is the famous cold poison of Ba Yau, you are nothing on it"

Da Huang nodded, again pushed his two palms, and directed his inner strength to block the wind coming out of Hong's body. He was exhausted, soon he might be failed to hold the huge energy waves that pressed him down and drained his inner strength so fast, he's been all out.

Bai Hu pushed Fei to back away from him, and widened his both palms, circling them in front of his chest forming a ball of wind from his profound energy. The white ball of energy spun bigger and bigger in front of his chest.

"Da Huang!" he exclaimed.