My Sweet Hong

Kai Le continued on his way, pulling Hong's hand behind him.

"Come on, let's have a picnic in the Jie Valley, the air today is very beautiful"

Kai Le was just about to lead Hong er down the pathway when someone suddenly appeared in front of them. Kai Le changed his facial expression, it was not the person he wanted to see that morning.

"Uh, Brother" Even Hong er a bit surprised.

Yeah, Fei er, who was approaching Hong and stopped right in front of him. Smiling at his brother.

"Hi, do you want to go for a walk in the valley today? Brother can join you, right?" he asked.

Hong stuttered although it wasn't unusual for his older brother to do that. The strange thing was, his older brother should have forgotten about him, then, why was he even there? While he was still confused, Fei raised his hand and grabbed Hong's other hand.

"Come on, let's go" without hesitation pulled Hong er's hand, but Kai Le stepped on and held Fei er's hand, looking at him and his hand in Hong er's palm.