It's Call Love

"Heh, the sky tonight is very beautiful, is the sky in the White Cotton Valley also like this? So Wide and pretty?" asked Tang Yi.

The Third Prince also looked up at the sky and slowly nodded.

"Well, more or less like this, it just, at White Cotton Valey, everything looks bigger. Big stars and a big moon. Sometimes the clouds pass above our head or even between us."

Tang Yi frowned in thought.

"Wow, that looks like a lot of fun, now I know why that place is called the White Cotton Valley"

Mu Huan nodded.

"Yes, aside from the clouds being so close, most of the plants that grow in the valley look white from the distance, especially when exposed to sunlight."

Tang Yi stopped in his steps, pulling Mu Huan closer to stand beside him.

"Heh, I can already imagine, that must be a very beautiful place, huh? Heh, if only I could go there"

Tang Yi held his breath for a moment, then threw it away.