She's A Tsundere!

Harry wanted to test it out on his mother and Aoi. While he was thinking of that, he came across a maid walking across him.

Two maids worked in the castle. The pay was extremely low for now, as Harry used the remaining few copper coins in the treasury for paying the maids salary. He didn't want to let his mother and Aoi work. 

If anyone was willing to work as soldiers for him, he could probably pay for their services with those few coins, but the problem was that the poeple of Lyria were extremely against him. Hiring mercenaries was an extremely costly matter, so that was out of the question.

And thus he ended up without any soldiers working for him at all.

Harry glanced at the maid with his scope and a "Ding" sound rang out in his head.

A translucent screen covered his eyes which had something written on it.

[Name : Amelia Williams 

Job : Maid.

Relations with Host : 

Loyalty : 30

Love : 10

Hate : 0