Nothing comes for free.

Harry stared at the man blankly as he bowed down respectfully and said, " I Swear My Loyalty To You, My King. Allow me to recieve the holy knowledge of farming that can allow me to feed my family properly again."

Harry looked at him blankly for a few seconds before realizing what was happening and standing up.

He brushed the dust off his butt and then said, "I will grant you the knowledge that you want, but there is one problem. Nothing comes for free. Are you willing to bear unimaginable pain for it?"

John looked at Harry with shock. He was thinking, 'No one gave me a choice! Why is he getting a choice?! Not like I would have listened to His Highness at that time... But it pains like hell!'

The man looked at Harry straight into his eyes and said, "It is not a problem, Your Majesty. If I cannot even bear some pain, then I would not deserve such holy knowledge."