New Knights

Aoi felt extremely guilty as she dragged Harry's mom away from the throne room, unable to look at Harry staright in the eye due to all the outright outrageous things that Harry's mom had said to Harry, which she supported blindly.

As soon as his mom and Aoi exited the throne room, Harry collapsed onto the throne out of exhaustion.

It took a great deal of mental effort on his side for him to be able to mould his expressions in a matter of seconds like that.

If he was already expecting the situation, then he probably wouldn't have drained such amounts of his energy trying to act while coming up with lies spontaneously, as he would have already prepared them all.

Harry sighed and looked at the ceiling of the throne room, considering what he would do next.


Two weeks passed by in a flash with nothing note worthy happening, except for the twisted family starting to work for Harry.