Badly Mutiliated

Robinson mumbled under his breath, "Healers sure do make a lot of money."

There were a few stone houses in Lyria, in which the famous hunters and some other distinguished people lived in.

Robinson was not shocked by the fact that she could live in a stone house, but rather due to the sheer size of it. Even the famous hunters would probably not be able to live so grandly.

It wasn't extraordinarily big or something, but for the standard of the Lyrians, it definitely was big.

As Robinson had roamed the whole town of Lyria for patrol, he had a general idea of what conditions Lyrians lived in.

So, Robinson was slightly surprised by the size of the house in front of him.

Robinson and Lauren had their swords drawn out as they were completely alert.

Robinson opened the door of the stone house very slowly and carefully, trying his best to make sure it does not make any noise.