
2 months after the kidnapping.

Feeling strange because of the food I had just eaten, I had a hundred percent that they had drugged me or worse, I sat on my single bed, my prison was like a small, poor room with a vase and without a window, Mason had sincere plans to exploit us to the extreme, as much as he could.

I hear the door open and I see Masako standing, and behind her Mason's henchman pushing her in, I've only seen her a few times, and I've barely spoken to her, looking at her right now, she's very beautiful, with pretty eyes that are very accentuated and not as drawn as most Japanese women, she wore faded jeans with black boots that perfectly showed her shapely legs, dark blue blouse that shows her guitar waist, her long black hair that shines makes you so sexy.

- What are you doing here? - I say frowning.

She approaches me a little ashamed, and speaks in English: "I don't understand what you're talking about" she sighs and continues to speak in English:

"They told me to come here for you" she says approaching and sits beside my bed and takes my face and gives me the shyest of kisses

I wanted to tell her to stop, but I couldn't, I wanted to kiss her too, so I kiss her back, a sweet kiss, I usually didn't kiss women, I just slept with them, her lips were really fleshy, I wanted to dive in it even more. But, the phrase brought to my head what she said came to my head "they sent me to you" made me open my eye and look at her moving away.

And I say in English: "What do you mean, they sent me to me, they want me to sleep with you" - I say standing up, puzzled by why they want it.

"You don't understand they want me to sleep with you, and an order, I can't say no, they can kill us." She says in English.

"Why do they want us to do that? I don't understand?" - I say walking in the small cell rubbing my face.

She looks at me and takes off her shirt and pants.

Just with that vision I get hard immediately. She approaches me and kisses me.

"I don't want to do this by being obliged by them, let alone without knowing why" - I say in English between kisses.

I wanted to stop, but that body makes me extremely aroused, I kiss her neck and take off her bra zipper and rip it off on the floor, I feel her body lock when I do that, I look into her eyes. She kisses me very slowly, and moves away from me just to take my shirt off, and I feel like looking into her eyes again, taking her face, and I see that her eyes are so deep and dark.

3 months and 15 days after the kidnapping.

She kisses me on my right cheek, then on the left, and looks me right in the eye, we are lying on a mattress hidden in a warehouse in Jahim althdi, we just had sex, I'm getting scared of falling in love with her, I never thought it would happen with me, we've been seeing each other for months after I had sex with her on drugs, I was worried if I had hurt her and we started to find her.

- Masako. - I whisper your name in her ear.

She shivers and looks at me with longing. I run my hand over his naked silhouette. She holds my face and kisses me slowly, I squeeze her ass tightly, below is kiss her beautiful breasts and she moans in a meow.

- Lauro. - She says my name in a dragged accent.

I made sure she knew and told me my real name. We had sex again, and we lay there sweaty and satisfied, when I'm with her I forget everything around me, my pains, I feel almost ... almost normal again.

- How is Brazil? - she asks me hugging me.

I hug you back.

- Warm, beautiful, full of life, but also very dangerous, when we leave here I take you there. - I say making cafune in your hair.

She looks at me and doesn't say anything, she gets even more cozy around my neck. We talked in that warehouse enjoying the night talking and getting to know each other, after she sleeps in my arms I look at her and see that I had to be taken as a prisoner to meet someone with her.