Walking to death.

1 years and 11 days after the kidnapping.

I walk behind Mason, I feel like I'm going to die when I follow him, I go into the infirmary (You can call that muffin the infirmary).

- Lie down on that stretcher. - he says referring to the ironing board that is made of a resistant metal. - Lay down. - Order him again.

Isis enters carrying a medicine tray.

I start to sweat, I have chills.

- Lay Nefret. - says Isis looking at me with a certain mischief without answering me.

I obey and lie on the cold stretcher, she starts preparing the medicines on a table in the corner and then and then ties the garroche on my left arm a little over the elbow, which is uncomfortable, she looks for my most visible vein and then gives an injection containing a yellow liquid. Then the psychopath of Isis runs her hands through my hair that makes me tremble.

- Calm down, Nefret. - says Isis in Portuguese. - I'll improve you, I promise. - She starts to prepare other doses of injections, except this time she prepares a different five and each one has a different color.

The black and gray color is what I'm most afraid of, the colorless to red one less. She applies it one by one, first the black one that makes my heart freeze and then the others. I hate to have an injection, but then everything I went through in that hell is less. I don't feel anything different until she applies the colorless one to my vein. I feel it when it enters my vein, it is hot and quickly like poison from a viper my body burns and I feel feverish, I feel a terrible pain that feels like my flesh. I start screaming in pain an indiscernible pain that seems like my cells want to escape from my body, and when I find myself I'm screaming and deep despair ...

- Calm down, Nefret. - Cantarola Isis as if it were a mantra for me.

I can't stand your presence, it's annoying.

- Fuck you, damn you. - Xingo screaming.

I pull it out, and start squeezing their necks. She manages to run from my attack, and I end up falling to the ground, falling that I hit the ground seems to have relieved my pain. Does relieving pain with pain sometimes work? I don't know, but better than nothing and continue to progress in this frenzy of scorching pain.

Mason comes over and mobilizes me on the floor when I start to struggle, making me pass out.

I sleep in a dream full of pain, my teeth ranges from so much agony. And at that moment I don't even know what my name is, who I am, and as if the pain took over my identity, I was dying. When I wake up I realize that I am tied to the "stretcher" my body is so hot, and as if I were inside a microwave, I am so sweaty that the sweat dulls my vision. I scream again, an agonizing scream that makes my throat hurt, but I can't help myself and I'm going to struggle.

Nádia enters looking at me with pain in her face.

- Hey, calm down. - she says. - How can I ease your pain Nefret.

- Fuck off. - Exhausted scream.

- Hey, I thought this bad genius had improved, I just want to help Lauro, they did the same thing to me, I know how it hurts. With me it was like my head was going to explode, I wasn't even fourteen when they changed me ...

- Shut up. - Shout. - I can't stand hearing your voice anymore, you prick. If you're going to help me, help me make it stop, make it stop. - I beg you screaming.

He looks at me in horror.

She rubs a hand over her face and walks away quickly as if I were touching a hot frying pan.

- Oh my! What they did to you! - she says scared, walking away. - Just a minute, I'll be right back. - she says leaving the room.

The pain gets worse and I feel everything around me darken and I see the face of my parents, my brothers and friends, people I will never see, because I feel death around me. Hands hold my hand as if I wanted to console myself at that moment, my bones hurt as if they were melting, I can't open my eyes anymore I feel three people close to me, I feel the thermal sensation of their bodies.

- He is dying. - I hear Nádia's voice in the background talking to someone. - Your monsters what did they do to him? She asks, terrified.

- Shut up Nadia, and take care of him, if he dies it would be a loss, just do PRC if his heart stops, okay, ice and water will relieve it won't get worse, at least and what they said in the London laboratory. Says Mason before leaving the infirmary.

I feel Nádia's bodily sensation near me and she holding my hand.

- Take care of him, if he dies because of you! I hear Isis say as I leave shortly after Mason.

Nádia lets out a harsh, tired breath.

- I'm sorry, "play boy". If you die know that I will find a way out of here one day, I have not yet given up hope I will tell them what happened to you. Is your real name Lauro? She asks as if I can answer. - I saw your documents when you arrived. - she says and now I realize that she is crying.

At that moment, I start to sympathize with Nádia, I see, I see that she is a stray like me. Darkness reigns around me.

- Please don't die, please. - says Nádia in a prayer they cry